Friday, February 17, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

I am once again participating in Fill in the Blank Friday hosted by The Little Things We Do. This week the questions are love related. Isn't that great?

I received my engagement ring on 2/13/1991. He proposed in front of the fireplace on what was to be our first home together. Yes, he did get down on one knee. That has been the most romantic he has been in the last 21 years. is this weeks "Fill In The Blank Friday"

1. The love of my life is ...God first, J. (my husband, second)

2. Falling in love is...wonderful and unexpected.

3. Marriage is...hard work with lots of good times and memories!

4. The longest relationship I have marriage, we have been married for 20 years.

5. The key to a good relationship, respect, compromise.

6. I feel loved when...I receive a very unexpected hug or kiss.

7. My favorite quote about love is..."To get the full value of joy, You must have someone to divide it with" Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February Photo Challenge

Here is the latest with the February Photo Challenge.

Day 9: Front Door
This old door is at my parents place. I love this door.Day 10: Self Portrait
UGH...I hate this one. I know that hate is a strong word but I think it fits this picture. (No makeup) It was at the end of the day and I had almost forgot to take my picture for the day.

Day 11: Makes You Happy
Generally a Diet Dr. Pepper can brighten any day. It is also my soda of choice.

Day 12: Inside your closet.
There is no way I am going to show the inside of my home closet. So I chose to show you the inside of my school closet. I think that counts because I spend over half of my waking hours here.
Day 13: Blue
This is a blue pocket chart hanging on my school closet door

Day 14: Heart:
One of my students came in today with a heart in her hair. How cool is that?

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day today.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February Photo Challenge

This photo challenge is tougher that I thought it would be. I am now staring to carry my small camera everywhere I go. Here is my latest...

Day 5: 10 am
Since this is Sunday and I we begin church at 10 am this was the best I could do. My watch...

Day 6: Dinner
This was the dinner we had that night. A roast in the crockpot with potatoes and carrots. It is nice to come home from work and have dinner ready.

Day 6: Sun
Where is the sun? It has been cloudy or rainy for most of the month. I think I am going to forget what the sun looks like if I don't see it soon. However, Our temperatures have been very mild.

Day 7: Button
Since I work in an elementary school we have various things going on. The first grade classes were competing to see who could wear the most buttons. I thought the back of this shirt was cute.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 2 Words:
I teach at an elementary school so I am surround by a print rich environment most of the day. This picture is a list of 100 proper nouns.

Day 3 Hands:
These are my hands with the hands of my two daughters.

Day 4: Stranger
This is a man who made a delivery at my school.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

While I'm trying to decide what I want to accomplish with this blog, I am going to participate in all the blog linky parties that I love to read. I haven't been able to participate before in my teacher blog or my classroom blog so I am so excited to participate in Fill in the Blank Friday. This party is hosted by The Little Things We Do and the questions were written by Mr. C & Me.

1. If money wasn't an issue, the first thing I'd cross of my life list is
traveling where and when I wanted to

2. Plain potato chips with vanilla ice cream. is something I like that other people think is weird.

3. If my life were a movie right now, the title would be Over worked and under paid.

4. Three things I am looking forward to this month are Abby's 12th Birthday , Valentine's Day and my friend's wedding reception .

5. My favorite song to sing in the shower is Oh, Happy Day .

6. If I found out that the production of Diet Dr. Pepper . was ending this month, I'd go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.

7. One thing I'll never grow tired of is listening to my two girls talk .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Photo Challenge

I am taking part in Fat Mum Slim's February Photo Challenge. I will post my pictures every Wednesday.
February 1, 2012: Your View Today
This was taken from my front porch this morning before work. The sky was overcast. It later rained during the day.