Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy April 1!

Today is Palm Sunday, The Sunday before Easter. As you go through this week think of all that has been possible, all the great things God has done for you. He died and arose so that we may live eternally if we only except him.

Have you seen this on Pinterest?

This is from A Night Owl Blog.

This is a youthful printable. I believe this is the first year that my girls are "too old" for egg hunts. Although I am sad that this time as come, my heart is full of joy becuase they know the real meaning of Easter.

This printable is from Curds and Whey.

On a lighter note....

Since today is the first day of a new month I am going to try to finish a photo challenge. I will be playing along with Fat Mum Slim.
Day 1: Your reflectionThis was a challenge for me. I am probably one of the few folks left that don't have an iphone. I have a Droid which I like. I don't like the fact that I can't get the instagram app. I apologize in advance for the poor photo. It was easier using my phone that my larger Nikon.

Day 1 My Reflection #photoadayapril

Until Next Time..

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