Friday, March 30, 2012

Fill in The Blank Friday

I am once again linking up over at The Little Things We Do for Fill in the Blank Friday.

1. My greatest strength is planning. I can plan anything from lesson plans, vacations, and day to day activities. I think that this is the teacher in me.

2. My greatest weakness is my lack of spontaneity. This drives my family crazy because I can't just pick up and go. I will admit that when my hubby wins out and we just "wing it" we have the best time. These have also been some of our best days as a family.

3. People always compliment me on my children. My oldest daughter plays the piano and someone is always telling me how good she is. I get compliments on how well both my daughters behave and how beautiful they are turning out to be.

4. If you found me procrastinating you'd probably find me sitting on my front porch, reading a book, blog stalking, blogging, Facebook or Pinterest.

5. The most cozy place in all the world is my bed. My girls and I love to pile up in the bed and watch TV. This is a great time because this is when my girls really talk to me instead of actually watching television. I would not trade this time for anything.

6. Something new that I tried recently was having my children take responsibility for their own laundry. The older daughter is handling this beautifully. Little sister has not been successful. This may have been a mistake on my part because I have given her two weeks to get her act together. I have only given her verbal instructions which she has not followed. We will work on this the weekend.

7. This weekend I would like to get my youngest daughter's room in order. Her laundry is overtaking her because she doesn't put things away! Stay tuned and I'll let you know how this goes.

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ups and Downs

We walked a mile Sunday night and I was proud of myself! I was so tired when we got back.

Monday was my first day back to work after being off for two weeks after my surgery. Let me tell you I was completely exhausted. I did not walk, however, I cooked a light supper. We had shrimp stir fry with rice. I had to make myself stay up to 8 o'clock. I went to be early.

Tuesday morning came bright and early! Tuesday are a long day for me. After I get finished working I have stay and wait on my oldest daughter's piano lessons. I won't leave school until 6:30. I am sitting here now wondering what we will have for supper. I would love to say cereal, but, that will never happen.

I am off to the grocery store to see what I can come up with...

Unit next time...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Changes Are Coming...

Changes are coming to this household beginning on Monday. I will try to keep everyone posted on how we are doing. We (My husband and I) must get healthier. We are going to do this with God's help, diet, exercise and medicine. Our goal is to lose weight and get our cholesterol under control.
A little background info:
My husband has always been thin and could eat anything within reason. For those of you who don't know my hubby he is a diabetic. He keeps his sugar under control with the aid of a pump. He was told this week that his cholesterol was to high (199), and that he has gained to much weight.
I have be 10-30 lbs overweight for years. My cholesterol is higher than Hubby's.
So together we are hoping to set an example for our children. We will be a little healthier in nine weeks.
I found this on pintrest and I thought it fit today's post.
Until Next Time...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Temple Run

Since I have been down in my back and recovering from my surgery I have been playing on my daughter's I pod. She has a game called Temple Run.
If I am not mistaken this is a free app on itunes. I tell you, this game is addicting! It has helped pass the time while I haven't been able to do much around the house.
What is your favorite app that helps you pass time?
Until next time...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring

How can you not find Joy is spring?

Here is what has been going on these past few weeks, since I have not posted in forever!

I didn't succeed with the February Photo Challenge. There is always April right?

I had surgery two days before my spring break. This was so I could heal during the week I was off for Spring Break. I was supposed to return to work on Monday. Great plan right? However that was my plan not God's plan. My doctor did not release me to return to work. I can't return to work until Monday, March 26.

So, I drove for the first time yesterday evening. I had to pick up my youngest daughter from cheer practice. I climbed in my 4 runner and pulled something in my back. I tell you the pain brought me to my knees and took my breath away.

So I took pain meds and went to bed! I am still layed up because it hurts to walk. So today I am taking it easy.
What did I learn from this?
God is still in control of my life. I am to turn everything over to him and trust that his will is done.
I found this on pinterest and thought it was fitting for today.
Until next time...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Two Days in Eufaula

I was thrilled when I found out that I was going to be trained on how to create podcasts! Even better, the training was at Lakepoint Resort and Jason was going with me. We arrived in Eufaula, AL late Wednesday night. We had supper at the lodge restaurant and went straight to bed.

Thursday morning came early and we found ourselves again at the restaurant enjoying the breakfast buffet. I had class on Thursday till five so Jason explored the state park on his own.

For supper we ate the Cajun Corner. This restaurant was fun, funky and delish! If you ever find yourself in Eufaula, AL, stop here for you meal.

Friday morning we awoke to warnings of bad weather throughout the day and night. I was scheduled to be in class until four. However, we worked really hard and we departed Eufaula at 2:30 pm. We made it home safely and our area was spared from the storms. However, many in the area were not. Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee affected by the storms. I am still working on my podcast. I hope to have it finished by tomorrow, I will share it with you when it is finished.